General Instructions

1.           This is a competitive qualifying aptitude test. You must comport yourself accordingly. You are advised to have a reliable internet connection before attempting the online aptitude test.

2.           Your activities during the period of the aptitude test will be monitored and recorded. You will be required to attempt the test with a webcam and microphone enabled device. (Use of mobile phones for the aptitude test is not supported).

3.           You are forbidden from covering your webcam during the period of the aptitude test. Our inability to see you at any time during the test may result in disqualification.

4.           During the aptitude test, you are not permitted to leave your position. Please prepare adequately before commencing the test.

5.           In the course of the aptitude test, you are not permitted to leave the test tab for another tab or application on the computer for any reason. Departure from the test tab may result in disqualification.

6.           Nobody is permitted to be around you during the period of the test, not even family members. You may be disqualified if anybody is seen around you during the test.

7.           The duration of the aptitude test is 60 minutes. The time starts to count immediately you click the start button and continues to count even if you log out before your 60 minutes lapses.

8.           Do not read the questions out during the aptitude test. This may result in disqualification.

9.           In the event that you run out of time, the aptitude test will automatically be submitted.

10.         Use of face mask, face caps, ear piece or head phone during the test is prohibited.

11.         Kindly note that you can ONLY LOG IN to the test platform at your scheduled date and time.

12.        To report any issues encountered before or during the examination, kindly use the “Make Complaints” button located on the test login page or the submission page. Please ensure that you exhaust all troubleshooting suggestions provided before submitting a complaint.

We recommend reporting any issues as soon as they occur to avoid delays in resolving them. You will receive updates via email or through the examination platform regarding the status of your complaint as soon as the issue is resolved.

Directions to take examination

The examination can be accessed by either clicking the “Click Here To Take Exam” at the bottom of this email or by login via https://unilag.webtest.ng with your application number as username and surname in lowercase as password. Both options will lead to our examinations instruction page where you would be required to follow the below steps:

Step 1: Install the examination browser (Not required for candidates who have previously installed the browser).

Step 2: Click the link to download your unique examination configuration

Step 3: Launch the configuration file to launch the examination, then click Enter to start

Please note:

The examination browser is only available on Windows 8.1 OS. (MAC OS is not supported.)

Mock Examination

All candidates would be scheduled for a mock examination from Monday, 26th August to Friday, 7th September, 2024 to enable them install the examination browser and test same on their laptop or desktop computers ahead of the actual entrance examination.

Candidates are strongly advised to avail themselves of this opportunity of the Mock examination in order to familiarize themselves with the examination platform ahead of time by (a) installing the examination browser and (b) taking the mock examination on the device you intend to use for the actual entrance examination.

Candidates who fail, refuse or neglect to make use of this window of opportunity of the Mock examination do so at their own risk.

Practice Examination

Candidates who wish to practice for the entrance examination can do so through the following link: https://unilagfoundation.prephub.io Cost for the practice examination is Two Thousand Naira (₦2,000).
