My parents took a loan to pay my school fees –Badejo, UNILAG first-class graduate

Adeshina Badejo graduated with 4.58
CGPA from the Department of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, University of
Lagos. He shares his success story with TUNDE AJAJA
What have you been doing since you graduated?
Since I graduated in November 2019, I
have made attempts to secure graduate internship in the oil and gas
industry but it hasn’t worked out as planned, so I decided to prioritise
personal development so as to be ready when the opportunities come. I
started my journey in the world of Data Science by taking online courses
and attending training. I also enrolled in soft skills training, while
volunteering in the Annual Mathematics Conference and Exhibition. I’m
currently a 2020 Batch ‘A’ stream 1 corps member.
What are the companies you have in mind?

I would like to work in a
forward-looking company with a great work culture, where I would be
constantly focusing on challenging energy issues and innovations, and
utilising my full potential as a reservoir engineer. There are quite a
number of companies I believe would give me this opportunity, including
Schlumberger and Total. However, this is not an exhaustive list. I’m
willing to work in other international oil companies/indigenous
companies that would provide the opportunity for me to grow and be a
world-class engineer. I love engineering being a profession that
encourages innovation and is not boring.

What were the things that attracted you to engineering in the early days?
My love for further mathematics and
desire to solve problems were some of the things that attracted me to
engineering. Initially, all I knew was I wanted engineering but I didn’t
know what aspect to go for. So, in my secondary school, I was given an
assignment to write an essay on the topic: ‘Nigeria: The Giant of
Africa.’ It was then I read about Nigeria having enough gas reserves to
power the entire African continent and solve the epileptic power supply
which characterised my childhood. So, I became interested in that aspect
of our national life.
Beyond the general knowledge
of petroleum and gas engineering, could you tell us what the course
entails for the benefit of students who want to consider it?
Petroleum and gas engineering deals with
the exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbons – crude
oil and natural gas – as well as the analysis, modelling and forecasting
of future production performance of fields. It involves the use of
knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, physics and geology to solve
energy-related problems. Petroleum engineering is subdivided into three
broad specialisations: reservoir, drilling and production engineering.
It’s an interesting field.
Many people believe the main job prospects of the course are the oil companies, are there other areas where it is relevant?
Many people see petroleum and gas
engineering as a course that is restricted, but it is not. The most
amazing thing about it is that it encompasses knowledge of other
disciplines such as chemical, electrical, mechanical, civil engineering
and geology. So, there are other areas where skills of petroleum
engineers are needed. A reservoir engineer who is simply a petroleum
engineer with specialisation in accessing resources in the reservoir and
managing assets will find it easy going into investment banking.
Other relevant areas are public sectors,
geothermal industries, carbon capture, utilisation and storage
industries. For me, I aspire to be a world-class and renowned reservoir
engineer, who would help Nigeria to unlock and harness her huge gas
reserves while also achieving the goal of net zero-emission. At the end
of my stay in the industry, I hope to pass the knowledge acquired to the
In the automobile industry,
the world is moving away from fuel-powered vehicles to electric
vehicles, do you have fears about the future of this course?
Truly, the world is shifting towards a
more diversified energy mix so as to achieve net-zero emissions, but I
have no fear at all. Rather, I take such as an opportunity. From my
secondary school, I had been taught about diversification to enable me
to key into any available opportunity. This is the essence of
well-rounded education. University will expose people to an array of
opportunities and they should not be rigid with what they have studied.
Based on that, I have no fears about the future of my course. Recently, I
enrolled in the Massive Open Online Course titled ‘Tomorrow’s Mobility’
by French Institute of Petroleum. The course exposed me to a new
perspective. Electric vehicles might be a good option regarding
pollution, but there are still issues to solve before we all can drive
an electric vehicle. Fossil fuel will still remain dominant and
petroleum engineers will be needed for the next 30-plus years to provide
the supply needed by the global demand.
Crude oil is a natural resource that has turned the world around, how has this course impacted your perspective about nature?
Petroleum and Gas Engineering has made
me realise that nature can often be unpredictable and that resources
that emanate from nature can significantly impact or impair our lives
depending on how they are managed.
In 2018,
PricewaterhouseCoopers estimated that the Nigerian economy lost N233bn
to gas flaring, which translates to 3.8 per cent of the global total
costs in 2018, how does this make you feel, especially as someone who
knows the benefits of gas?
We all know that Nigeria is a gas-rich
province, producing little oil. Despite this, homes and industries are
unable to benefit from this full potential as they are faced with poor
power supply. It is appalling and makes me sad whenever I hear the
amount of money lost to gas flaring yearly. I believe with the Nigeria
Liquefied Natural Gas Train 7 project and the Nigerian Gas Flare
Commercialisation Programme, gas will be better utilised going forward.
And aside from power generation, other uses of natural gas that Nigeria
is not taking full advantage of include production of methanol and
ammonia for fertiliser production and hydrogen production, which is a
primary feedstock for the chemical industry, and others.
With your interest in the course, did it make graduating with a first-class degree easy?
First, reading the success stories of
first-class graduates when I was in secondary school inspired me, hence
the motivation was already there. So, from my days as a diploma student,
I planned and worked towards graduating with a first-class degree and
my determination paid off. But like you asked, having deep interest in
your course has a role to play. Students, especially the new ones,
should know what they want and go for it without fear. Don’t be coerced
into studying a course you don’t have interest in. However, it is said
that nothing good comes easy, so having excellent results required a lot
of discipline, self-denial and consistency and there were days I had to
adopt extreme reading measures just to understand what I was taught. In
my view, education is the only lasting legacy parents can give their
children, and having a first-class degree is possible for anybody
regardless of their background. For students already in school, do your
best to finish well. Do not be discouraged by the lack of incentives for
academic excellence in the country.  Study, develop yourself while
waiting, and the opportunities will come.
When did you start having grades that would give you a first-class degree?
I gained admission through the
foundation programme (UNILAG Diploma) so I started having excellent
grades right from my first year in the degree programme, which was 200
level. One commitment I made was to always attend the introductory class
for each course at the beginning of the semester, because it gave me
the opportunity to know the lecturers; their rules, expectations and
grading system. I also had to deny myself of ephemeral pleasures just to
attain that feat.
When I was much younger, my parents
encouraged me to read the autobiography of heroes and heroines who
positively impacted the world and that motivated me to seek excellence. I
also made sure I revised what I was taught in class every day while I
devoted my weekends to reading extensively. I slept for about seven
hours daily and read for at least four hours during the week, but on
weekends, I read till I was tired. My father always told me that uneasy
lies the head that wears the crown and that with global competition, the
best is required of any university graduate. Thus, he said I should
ensure I graduated with a first-class degree, and that encouraged me a
lot. I thank God for His favours and my parents for the much they did.
Did you have a history of having outstanding results before you got into university?
Yes. In my primary school, I was the
Head Boy because of my academic performance and for my secondary
education, I was also the Head Boy because of my excellent results and
moral standards. I eventually emerged as the best graduating pupil in my
set and when I took the Senior School Certificate Examination in SS2, I
passed excellently but my parents insisted that I should continue to
SS3 and graduate normally. I passed the West African Senior School
Certificate Examination again in SS3 but in the Unified Tertiary
Matriculation Examination, I didn’t have the score for my preferred
course, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, which made me opt for the
foundation programme that eventually qualified me for Direct Entry
following my excellent performance.
Were you troubled when your cut-off mark didn’t qualify you for the course?
The mark qualified me for admission into
the polytechnic and after a long deliberation with my parents, I
accepted to go to the polytechnic with plans to retake the UTME. I
purchased the form to study Geology at the Polytechnic Ibadan, took the
entrance examination and was offered admission, but few weeks after, I
got to know about the UNILAG foundation programme and purchased the form
that year. Although it was expensive, my parents summoned the courage
to take a loan, because they saw it as another lifeline for me to study
the course I had always wanted without wasting an academic year. I want
to thank my parents again for their sacrifices.
What bothers you about Nigeria and what do you think could be done to correct it?
I’m not happy about the lackadaisical
attitude of our leaders; their self-centeredness, self-aggrandisement
and lack of consideration for the sustainability of the future. Except
there is reorientation for those at the helm of affairs, the situation
might become worse. Power supply is a potent requirement in all facets
of development and unless there are meaningful and aggressive efforts to
address the incessant power outage, things may not be as expected. Here
again, the issue of leadership, discipline and sincerity of focus is
germane to solving the problem of poor power supply. Finally, the
attention given to education is nothing to write about. This is why
brilliant people end up leaving for foreign countries where they will be
appreciated. There should be more investment in the education sector
and reward for academic excellence.
Were you involved in other school activities in school?
Yes, I was. I was a representative of my
department at the oil and gas bar in the Faculty of Law; I served as an
officer and programme chairperson for Society of Petroleum Engineers,
University of Lagos Students chapter, where I initiated the maiden
edition of ‘The Industry Discourse’. I also founded Team Synergy; a
group interested in solving energy related issues.
What was your most memorable moment?
One of my happiest moments was in my
200L when I saw my first semester results and they were excellent.
Another happy moment was when my group, ‘Team Synergy’, won a grant of
€1,000 in the 2018 Team Total Grant Competition.
How would you have felt if you had not graduated with a first-class degree?
I never imagined not graduating with a
first-class degree, but if it had not happened; I would have been a
little bit disappointed, considering the efforts and sacrifices I made.