UTME 2019 Advisory On Profile Code Generation and Purchase Of e-Pin For New And Previously Used Numbers

UTME 2019 Advisory On Profile Code Generation and Purchase Of
e-Pin For New And Previously Used Numbers
ALERT! Previously Used Numbers for JAMB Registrations can only be re-used by the same Candidate
(Not another candidate)
A Previously Used Number is a GSM Telephone Number (SIM) used for Profile Code Creation, e-PIN
Vending and Registration in Previous Registration Exercises. This can be used for the 2019 Registration
The Candidate who is using his/her previous number for the second or third time will use the same
profile code to purchase the new e-PIN.
If the Profile Code has been forgotten, the candidate can send RESEND to 55019 and he/she would
recover the Old Profile Code.
In other words, the Old Profile Code can be used by the same candidate to procure the new e-PIN. No
new profile code is required.
However, Candidate cannot change names by using CORRECT on this existing number as this Profile is
already tied to the existing number (typically done before Registration)
Candidate can use the command UTMEPIN and DEPIN to retrieve 2019 UTME e-PIN after e-PIN
Candidate can register at any JAMB CBT Center with existing Profile (e-Mail, Telephone Number, Profile
code) which cannot be changed.
Existing Profile or already used number cannot be transferred to another candidate.
New Numbers will follow the normal pattern of Registration as prescribed and advertised.
Candidates will be able to register as normal by sending their Surname, Firstname and Middlename to
Candidates will be able to send CORRECT to 55019 in case of error before Registration
Candidates will be able to retrieve newly generated Profile Code by using RESEND.
Candidates will be able to Purchase e-PIN from any accredited outlet using newly generated Profile code
as usual.
Candidates will be able to use UTMEPIN and DEPIN after purchase of e-PIN to retrieve lost e-PIN