Jamb Fix Low Cut off Mark To Appease Private Varsities-ASUU

Professor Biodun Ogunyemi, National President, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), talks with newsmen on the choice of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), which as of late endorsed 160 and 140 as the cut-off imprints for 2020/2021 open and private varsities affirmations, among different issues.

They chose after they met with the authority of varsities in Nigeria.
The authority comprises of bad habit chancellors and enlistment centers. From our insight into the framework, we accept that no state funded college in Nigeria would eagerly concede anyone underneath 160 (UTME score) however concerning private colleges, they need low profile off imprints to draw in understudies.

You would have seen that despite the fact that we have more than 70 private varsities  in Nigeria, they despite everything have under five percent of the understudies’ populace. What that implies for them is that they will come up short on business on the off chance that they don’t pull in more understudies. That is the reason we have been upholding that the attention ought to be on the state funded college; by tending to quality instruction in Nigeria.

This would guarantee that the offspring of the poor don’t drop out of the training framework.

Private varsities, basically, are built up to address the issues of the elites. At the point when you take a gander at the structure of those colleges, scarcely will you see the offspring of the poor conceded there.

The offspring of the poor are not there; the offspring of the elites are there and they can successfully guarantee that they keep them in business. Private colleges are basically business focuses and that is the reason you get a wide range of reports originating from that point.

Possibly you can name a couple of that have overseen toscale the obstacles of falling in line of value yet we have our misgivings about them. All the more significantly, if the Nigerian government ought to do what we ask of them, on the off chance that they should fulfill our need to fix state funded colleges in Nigeria today; I can guarantee you that private colleges will flame out.

It is a direct result of that dread that JAMB must twist in reverse to oblige their advantage. That low profile off imprint is to conciliate proprietors of private colleges, not open ones